Yup, i expected nothing from Sam lovers. Now that Dylan has succeeded with Sam's mom in such less time, while Sam struggles with Dylan's, the argument that no one cares for Amber is all you're left with. Though in the world of Awam Sophia is no more special than Amber, Patricia, Nathalie or anyone else. She is just an ordinary woman.
And "
there is pure love and romance between Sam and Sophia" Yup there is a lot of PURE LOVE going around. She is letting The Myer boys play around with her body, Aiden and his gang too, Patricia,Ellie/Alyssa, Nathalie, she even likes Zac and is also seeing her son as a man, In future going to sleep with Bennett. Sleeping with Andy too, Logan as well is going to be a part in the future, the homeless Aid hobos too. All of this can happen in the same route as relationship with Sam. How much pure love Sophia is radiating for Sam, you are so right

Amber is the only one looking for sexual pleasure but Sophia is looking for her prince charming, it just so happens that she will sleep with everyone else as well while in a blossoming relationship with her prince. But getting cucked by the girl you love is still pure love to you i guess.
It's unbelievable to me how you don't realise that any male who forms a relationship with Sophia is essential going to be cucked as Sophia will sleep with multiple people. So even if Sam Sophia form a "romantic relationship" in future Sam's position will be the same as Liam. Liam's wife, Sam's gf, Sophia will just go around cucking her lover and engaging in sexual acts with other characters. And just because you will eliminate all other Except Sam it doesn't change a thing. Since the story is written with Sophia engaging with multiple people at the same time. Just because you avoid to look doesn't mean it doesn't happen. All routes that can happen in the same playthrough are considered here, and this is just Sophia's perspective. Let's move to Sam's true love.
Intoxicating the woman you love to and coaxing her to admit she likes you with hypothetical assumptions, Sexual harrasment as he kept groping and kissing all over the body of the "woman he loves" even when she asked him to stop and she was not in position to push him away as her husband was right there. So taking unfair advantage of the situation and disrespecting the feelings and words of the woman he "Loves". Peeping on her all day. In the game itself we comes across around 4-5 instances when he is caught spying on Sophia. He even went into the house and spied on her changing her clothes. He has absolutely disregarded Sophia's right to privacy in every manner. This is his consideration towards the woman he "loves". Speaking sympathetic bullshit like i can't sleep because i saw you in your bra, and that i am so helpless and i need more only for him to admit that he has the same dreams of Ellie aswell. What a "pure love" that is. If he so purely loves he wouldn't always want to get physically intimate with her. Grabbing onto her breasts and nipples, lips, pussy. How is that any different from the gang members of Aiden. Both needed just the opportunity to touch Sophia and they kept going even when Sophia didn't want it. Jumping on Sophia like a hungry hound and then acting like a helpless romantic. Give me break with this "Pure love" crap. At the beginning of the game the foul language he uses for Sophia's body, how he talks about Sophia's ass and tits even though Dylan doesn't want to listen. He keeps going off about it. And suddenly next day when talking to Sophia he becomes a innocent lover. Even children aren't fooled by this and this is definitely not how you talk about the woman you "Love".
So you can keep this crap about Love to yourself. There is no love, there is only deception and sympathy gaining with a silver tongue to achieve the Lust that Sam has just like a normal teenager. I think all these points are enough to show the bullshit and that there is no Pure love here.