For those that are not familiar. Gym Dick is a sort of new term that refers to the shrinkage men get after a strenuous workout or extreme cardio. I workout and running is my cardio of preference. I always shower after my workouts and runs and I always notice the shrinkage after my runs especially. The science behind is that your dick and balls go into protection mode and shrink when there is a lot of stress on the body and with running there is a lot of jarring movement from the legs that makes it all make sense. I've also read that blood is needed in other extremities more in those instances. I first heard of the term when a guy made a comment to his buddy how he always knows he had a good workout when he experiences "gym dick." His buddy asked him what that was and he said it was what the gym bros refer to as a shrunken dick. I did my own research and learned more. To me it's another beautiful thing about the male penis that intrigues me. While gym dick might make some men self conscious about being nude in the dedicated male locker room, it's a very temporary state. How many of you men can relate to "gym dick"? I'm really interested in hearing other guys stories with their experience.